Thursday, February 20, 2014

2014 (21) February (9) January (12) 2013 (128) December (24) November (10) October (8

I really love to cook and love to try new recipes and devices. Here you can read my experiences and recipes! So I build myself a collection of all the good things that I make, but also I try to inspire you! Do you have anything made from my site, I would appreciate it if you leave a comment. Because I am interested in your findings!!
I'm a big fan of KitchenAid, and a few months ago, I myself (finally) a kitchenaid artisan food gift made (in imperial red, of course). And now I have one word my wish list getting longer, with all the perks that are possible, as there may be all sorts of fun gadgets added to my food. My first wish was fulfilled was the pasta machine (this was made possible by my father and mother, thanks!). I now own my presence so make fresh pasta. More on that later on my blog. Today I could, however, the next temptation in the shop itself not resist: I have purchased the Kitchenaid ice! Now we head towards the summer is for me the ultimate purchase. The "bowl" should moreover be overnight in the freezer are used, but I can not wait until I can start work tomorrow!! Of course I looked at many places all recipes of delicious ice cream (at least I think I read it ...). If you have a recipe for me: send it, send it through!!
Recipe: Mediterranean casserole with pangasius fillet
2014 (21) February (9) January (12) 2013 (128) December (24) November (10) October (8) September (11) August (19) July (21) June (18) May (17) Self Limoncello-Part 1 A party! Recipe: Tiramisu meal in a jar Indonesian Recipe: Rendang Recipe: Sambal Goreng telor Recipe: Roedjak Fruit Salad Recipe: Babi soy Mmmm, Pasta Recipe: Pasta Dough Recipe: Yogurt-stroke cream, variations Getting Started Recipe: Frozen Yogurt Ice Recipe: Egg Frying Facebook ice cream maker india action welcome

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