Friday, February 28, 2014

All text and images on Yummy in my Tummy by Arjan

This ice cream is the color of summer! Nice and sunny, cheerful and fruity ice cream. With an ice cream is ridiculously easy to make. Do not have ice? Follow Method 2. I always make my ice cream without eggs and with long-life milk. This also has its drawbacks, because ice is melting iceqpick faster without egg. If you take this into account, however, there is no problem. The advantage of ice cream without eggs is that you do not have to worry about salmonella and the ice a lot faster finished pressure (ice where raw egg and raw milk used must cook at least 45 minutes to avoid the risk of salmonella) . Here you can read more about the risks of eating raw egg.
Heat the mango and sugar in saucepan over low heat. This is only to dissolve the sugar. So keep stirring and cook for 2 minutes until heated. Then remove the pan from the heat and let cool.
Remove the mixture from the freezer and then knock it loose with a mixer. Freeze the mixture again. Repeat the process 2 more times (each time after one hour). Let the ice alone after. Put it half an hour before you want to eat in the fridge.
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All text and images on Yummy in my Tummy by Arjan & Lisa, are available under a Creative Commons License unless otherwise specified. The use of our recipes and photographs is not permitted without quoting the source.
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