Saturday, February 15, 2014

Zavarivarivanje pipes where there were Serbian and Russian flags and signs that read

Representatives of the governments of Serbia and Russia, as well as company Gazprom, have today signed three agreements concerning the construction of a gas pipeline "South Stream".
Signing the agreement ceremony at the Palace "Serbia" was attended by Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic, Prime Minister Ivica Dacic, Minister of Energy Zoran Mihajlovic, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, president terval of the Board of Directors Gazprom Alexey Miller and Director of Srbijagas Dusan Bajatovic.
After Nikolic gave the order to begin welding the first compound pipeline, which was carried out in Sajkas, in this place symbolically welded pipes of energetesko-infrastructural facility after Pavlel Persicki, technical director of "South Stream", reviewed all technical and technological conditions .
Zavarivarivanje pipes where there were Serbian and Russian flags and signs that read "South Stream" and "South Stream" was performed by welders Russian Andrej Česlavovič and Serb Gojko Pottery.
The President of the Republic is, while he said that the start of construction of South Stream gas pipeline except energy security and hiring people, to Serbia, to send a clear message that the country is worth to invest and to have workers who can to contribute capital projects.
- South Stream is not just a story about meeting the energy agreement, on ponevropskom terval the gas main route and not merely the sum of digits of kilometers, investments and earnings, but a symbol of the connection state and the nation - said Nikolic.
At a ceremony marking the start of construction terval of the section of pipeline for Russian gas, "South Stream" through Serbia, Nikolic said that Serbia will be directly engaged about 2,500 workers, and indirectly about 100,000, and that thanks to the South during the long-term gas supply will be solved by around 35 million households across Europe.
Prime Minister Ivica Dacic said in his resignation recalled that 43 years ago built "Iron Gate 1," and that today begins construction terval today, "South Stream", the largest energy infrastructure project in Serbia, which Serbia becomes energy terval čvoripte and reliable partner in the supply of gas.
The prime minister also said that more than 10 percent of the total European demand for gas to be transported through Serbia, as well as to the realization of the South Stream project and other development projects in naftnogasnom sector, more intensive recruitment companies and create new jobs, thereby contributing to the reduction of unemployment and thus fulfilling the economic goals of the government.
According terval to him, the project as a whole is worth about 16 billion euros, and how important it is to witness the can and Serbia itself, which is the only route of the gas comes from Russia via Ukraine and that it was "faced with the catastrophic consequences of such a blockade of the route of gas."
"This pipeline should provide sufficient quantities of gas supply for consumers and the economy of Serbia. Serbia will in the region to become a significant energy hub and reliable regional partner in securing energy security in South-Eastern and Central Europe," stressed the Prime Minister of Serbia.
The Minister Zoran Mihajlovic terval as the main advantage of the project "South Stream" highlighted the fact that it will be open to a large number of new jobs, which is - by her words - that what Serbia's government more difficult. terval
- All countries that will be supplied with gas from Serbia, and all of us together, terval we make a family which will rationally terval and evenly use these resources - said Zoran Mihajlovic at today's ceremony to commemorate terval the start of work on the construction of South Stream.
The director of "Srbijagas" Dusan Bajatovic terval thanked President Nikolic, Prime Minister Dacic and First Vice President of the Government Aleksandar Vucic, "which have provided political terval approval for the construction of South Stream".
Dusan Bajatovic said today that the Company Gazprom signed a protocol on the financing of the construction of South Stream, terval under which Gazprom will approve the loan Srbijagas terval of about 175 million euros at the interest rate of 4.25 percent and a grace period until the start of operation of the pipeline and pointed out that all Agreements signed today will be published.
By the end of the year Srbijagas and Gazprom will invest around 75 million euros in the first quarter of next year at 175 million euros, said Bajatovic, adding that this would be provided mioliona 500 euros, while the rest of the money will provide project financing.
Bajatovic said that still no decision is taken on the construction of a gas pipeline arm towards Macedonia and Kosovo and Metohija, pointing out that Russia does not recognize, nor will recognize the independence of Kosovo and Metohija.
The section of South Stream through Serbia will be 421 kilometer long, and provides for the construction of two branches - in Croatia, 52 kilometers long and the Serbian Republic of 105 kilometers. It is the project of the southern arm towards Macedonia.
The capacity of the pipeline in Serbia will be 40.5 billion cubic meters a year, and LS

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