Tuesday, February 11, 2014

It was impossible to keep!? Again Croatian game, this time at the expense of the most vulnerable. S

For too long it took to parents of children with malignant diseases persuade institutions as a necessary new Cancer Ward in Klaićeva, but after the agreement was reached and issued snobiz the building permit - remained without donations! Twenty snobiz million, how much is allocated for these purposes, PBZ could no longer keep and redirected them to other projects.
- Unfortunately, due to the many changes in the project snobiz and an extremely long period to obtain the green light, we were able to keep the budget funds that have been reserved for this purpose almost three years ago. The funds were diverted and used for other activities - writes in a letter addressed to the PBZ 15th November Ljiljana Vuletic, president of the Association of Parents'' Love in Action''.
- Please institutions not to leave children without the appropriate department, not now when we have a building permit that would have the second floor in Klaićeva reconstructed in hematoonkologiju. PBZ is ready to assist in equipping the department when it is done - says Ljiljana Vuletic. Related Articles ACTION Klaićeva snobiz without therapists for children with tumors 04.04.2004 comments: 0
The Association has repeatedly warned that the donor to withdraw because all too long. The Children's Hospital Zagreb snobiz say that we are in ongoing discussions with potential donors to ensure the closure of the financial structure Klaićeva because, they say, do not give up on the project, for which she paid for preparation of project documentation. Start of works is expected in late 2013th, but was postponed due to the issuance of approvals and licenses, which have been waiting longer than expected. Competent city office building permit is issued 6th studenog 2013th and is based on her designer was obliged to 15th prosinca 2013th complete detailed design. But, 26 November Clinic learned that the donation was canceled.
- Continue to believe that the refurbishment and upgrading of facilities the best solution for the treatment of children with tumor diseases, given the expertise of the medical staff and ancillary diagnostic and laboratory services snobiz - says Osman Kadic, a remediation manager Klaićeva.
The Ministry of Health only says that the reconstruction would like to provide the best solution given that the Department of Oncology hematoonkologiju and also the Reference Center of the Ministry of Health for solid tumors in children.
This is another victory Milanovic ultra government? is not that some not-so-Croat operated by health smallest? .... I think .... prevented in the future treatment and offspring ... so there will be fewer Croats? .... and less Croats, the better for Serbs ?
It was impossible to keep!? Again Croatian game, this time at the expense of the most vulnerable. Shame! Let them deal with their vapors. Tim Klaićeva Oncology any money can not create. Recall snobiz the idea of breaking up, or conditional migration Klaićeva oncology at another hospital, which is staffed with a team of oncology course he could not agree, since oncology department is not a separate body, but the body part Klaićeva hospital. Full support Dr. Stepan and celebrated snobiz with the team Klaićeva oncology doc. ĆEPULIĆ, retired chief at the head of which were saved from certain death hundreds of children, among whom are all just a bunch of paper money for which fools no experience with cancer snobiz die.
First, where did you get the idea that the departments Children's Hospital in Klaićeva in Zagreb treat only children who are Croats? As far as I know, there are treated children, all together, are housed under the same conditions and no make any difference whether the child's parents or other Croats. So the success of the action applies to all children equally.
Secondly, snobiz what has trenuitna policies with financial closure of this demanding project? The project began long before Mr. Milanovic became prime minister, and who knows when they will end up with any other prime minister. It is only on the children's ward and humanitarian action and does not have much to do with politics, but only with enthusiasm and love for children. Their children, what is the cure in the hospital.
It was impossible to keep!? Again Croatian game, this time at the expense of the most vulnerable. Shame! Let them deal with their vapors. Tim Klaićeva Oncology any money can not create. Recall the idea of breaking up, or conditional migration Klaićeva oncology at another hospital, which is staffed with a team of oncology course he could not agree, since oncology department is not a separate body, but the body part Klaićeva hospital. Full support Dr. Stepan and celebrated with the team Klaićeva oncology doc. ĆEPULIĆ, retired chief at the head of which were saved from certain death hundreds of children, among whom are all just a bunch of paper money for which fools no experience with cancer die.
First, where did you get the idea that the departments Children's Hospital in Klaićeva in Zagreb treat only children who are Croats? snobiz As far as I know, there are treated children, all together, are housed under the same conditions and no make any difference whether the child's parents or other Croats. So the success of the action applies to all children equally.

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